11 September 2012

Twins Denny & Damion { Newborn Photography } | Grimsby

First blog sneak on my new blog and I decided to start with todays session. 
A few months back I put a call out for newborn twins after only ever doing 1 set of twins so far 
I decided I needed to have some more experience under my belt.

Today I met 5 week old identical twins Denny and Damion, both still very tiny too. 
Now I won't say the session was easy as boy they didn't 
half make me work but I really enjoyed the
challenge of getting 2 babies to be asleep and settled 
at the same time, and unbelievably it was achieved a few
times after some serious milk drinking, Plus I just loved
grabbing some snuggles off them both too hehe,

So here are Denny and Damion, and I am sure you will agree 
they are super cute....and very identical haha!


  1. Gorgeous photos! Im sure their parents will be delighted, amazing work Jodie!

  2. well....they are my baby brothers :) and you did a very good job on getting them to sleep lol they are a nightmare to get to sleep now. And it was probs very serious milk drinking lol. they are also allot bigger now. you are an awesome photographer. thank you!
